Tag Archives: eggplant

Accidental Eggplant Chips

I had bought eggplant to try and make baba ganoush, but after looking briefly at various recipes I realized it looked a lot harder than what I had thought, so I kept putting it off, leaving my eggplant sitting lonely in the fridge.  I happen to be on a strict budget for food, so with the rest of my vegetables rapidly disappearing, eggplant was one of the only dinner options I had left (that or raw celery). I was too hungry to attempt baba ganoush so I decided to make a roast eggplant sandwich, which would have been great if I had been looking at a recipe for that, however I was looking at recipe for a casserole containing eggplant and many other vegetables, you were supposed to cook the casserole for an hour and a half.  In my hunger stupor I thought since I just had eggplant without the rest of the veg I would try cooking my eggplant for 40 minutes.  It turns out that after 40 minutes the eggplant was extremely wilted and crispy, I thought for a second I had ruined it but after tasting I realized I had made really, freaking delicious eggplant chips.  It turned into a happy eggplant accident. 


  • 1 eggplant
  • 2 tablespoons oil (30 ml)
  • 1 tsp salt and red pepper flakes (5ml)

First preheat oven to 375 F (180 C)

Cut your eggplant into thin strips, lightly oil, add salt and red pepper flakes 

Bake for 40 minutes or until the eggplant is perfectly crispy!