Tag Archives: vegetables

Accidental Eggplant Chips

I had bought eggplant to try and make baba ganoush, but after looking briefly at various recipes I realized it looked a lot harder than what I had thought, so I kept putting it off, leaving my eggplant sitting lonely in the fridge.  I happen to be on a strict budget for food, so with the rest of my vegetables rapidly disappearing, eggplant was one of the only dinner options I had left (that or raw celery). I was too hungry to attempt baba ganoush so I decided to make a roast eggplant sandwich, which would have been great if I had been looking at a recipe for that, however I was looking at recipe for a casserole containing eggplant and many other vegetables, you were supposed to cook the casserole for an hour and a half.  In my hunger stupor I thought since I just had eggplant without the rest of the veg I would try cooking my eggplant for 40 minutes.  It turns out that after 40 minutes the eggplant was extremely wilted and crispy, I thought for a second I had ruined it but after tasting I realized I had made really, freaking delicious eggplant chips.  It turned into a happy eggplant accident. 


  • 1 eggplant
  • 2 tablespoons oil (30 ml)
  • 1 tsp salt and red pepper flakes (5ml)

First preheat oven to 375 F (180 C)

Cut your eggplant into thin strips, lightly oil, add salt and red pepper flakes 

Bake for 40 minutes or until the eggplant is perfectly crispy!

Making soup stock is not a very glamorous food post definitely and it is at all posh, but it can come in very handy. This morning I was released from hospital with instructions to consume light food such as broth, rice and banana’s it just so happened I had a beautiful batch of homemade 100% healthy broth in my freezer. I must say I’m feeling pretty dammed prepared. I had a packet of “natural” broth I had bought in a grocery store but last week I randomly decided to read the ingredients because I was searching for anyway to get rid of my massive amount of celery. Anyway the ingredients on my broth included unholy items such as modified oils, sometimes store bought condiments make me a bit paranoid. Making broth is a very easy albeit long process that is a great way to use up vegetable scraps especially when wasting food makes you hardcore flinch. In my case I had a lot of celery, cabbage, and some old onion that needed to be used up. My broth looked like this: 1 stalk celery, chopped 1 carrot, chopped 3 large cabbage leaves, chopped 1/2 white onion, chopped 1 T salt + whatever spices you fancy I used black pepper, garlic powder and Italian seasoning Combine the vegetables, and spices in a pot full of water and boil for an hour to an hour and a half. Taste the broth frequently to adjust flavour. When you are satisfied with the flavour strain out the veg and you have some damn wholesome, homemade broth. The key with making broth is do not use your fresh, luscious veg but the old sad ones lingering in the back of the fridge  .IMG_0072 IMG_0073